Friday, March 21, 2008

How Long Should It Take You To Find What You Want?

Often, I show only one home, after all, how many homes does one family need? A few buyers will look for years, but buyers who do that are not motivated. A motivated buyer will find a home within two weeks. Most of my buyers, here in Elkhart County, Indiana, find a home within two days.
Good real estate agents will listen to your wants and needs and arrange to show you only those homes that fit your particular parameters.
How Many Homes Will You See?
Studies show that your memory dramatically improves after eating carbs and slows upon eating sugar. So, layoff the soft drinks and have a hearty meal of carbs before venturing out to tour homes. The average number of homes I show to a buyer in one day is seven. Any more than that, and the brain is overloaded. Therefore, don't expect to see 20 or 30 homes, although it is physically possible to do, you probably will not remember specific details about any of them.
The Red shoes Experience
Women will relate to this. say you need anew pair of red shoes. You go to the mall. At the first shoe store, you find a fabulous pair of red shoes. You try them on. They fit perfectly. They are glamorous, priced right too. Do you buy them? Of Course Not! You go to every other shoe store in the mall trying on red shoes until you are ready to drop from exhaustion! Then you return to the first store and buy those red shoes. Do not shop for a house this way. When you find the perfect home, buy it!
How To Rate Inventory
  • Bring a digital camera and begin each series of photographs with a close up of the house number to identify where each group of home shots started and ended.
  • Take copious notes of unusual features, colors and design elements.
  • Pay attention to the homes surroundings. What is next door? Do 2 story homes tower over your single story?
  • Immediately after leaving rate each home on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest.

View top choices a second time. After touring homes for a few days, you will probably instinctively know which one or two homes you would like to buy. Ask to see them again. You will see them with different eyes and notice elements that were overlooked the first go around.

At this point, your agent should call the listing agents to find out more about the sellers motivation and to double check than an offer hasn't come in, making sure these homes are still available to purchase.

Making the Selection

I'll let you in on a little secret. I generally know which home a buyer is going to choose, and I suspect most other agents operate the same way. Its our intuition, but I make a practice not to steer buyers, and I insist buyers choose the home without interference from me. Its not my choice to make.

Real Estate Agents are required, however, to point out defects and should help buyers feel confident that the home selected meets the buyers search parameters.

Talk to you again soon!

Evelyn Johnston

Prudential One Realty


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