If you are planning to sell your home in Elkhart County, Indiana, which renovations will increase the value of your house the most?
Assuming the house has no major weaknesses, remodeling the kitchen or bathroom is usually a good bet.
Making improvements in a home can boost the selling price of the property substantially beyond the cost of the renovation and even mean the difference in whether or not the house sells at all. When contemplating an upgrade, a homeowner is wise to consider not only renovations that are needed, but those that will most enhance the value - and selling appearance - of the home.
Evaluate the home from the buyer's point of view. Your local Elkhart County Expert, Evelyn Johnston, Real Estate Agent with Prudential One Realty will be able to offer an objective view and will also know what buyers are looking - and asking - for. Renovations accomplish one of two things; they improve or update the condition of the home, or they actually add features to it. (A small renovation might be a skylight, a larger one - an extra bedroom and bath.) Before embarking on any ambitious projects, sellers should first confirm that their money wouldn't be better spent with more basic work, like replacing drafty old windows, adding insulation or installing an attic fan.
Assuming the house is otherwise appealing, modernizing the kitchen is usually a worthwhile investment. Not only is it the "heart" of the home, the kitchen is also the main workplace, where modern convenience is expected. Buyers are attracted to a bright, cheerful, convenient kitchen. This means that as a minimum, floors and counters should be in good condition; cabinetry should be freshly painted or natural; appliances should look good and operate well; window coverings should be tasteful and feature light paint; and there should be lots of sunlight or at least pleasant artificial lighting. Cabinet space, also an important feature in a kitchen, can be maximized by inexpensive organizing and space-saving devices that are available. For older kitchens, replacement of countertops, floors, cabinet doors or appliances can freshen the look and improve the utility of the kitchen without disturbing the character of the room - and with less expense than a complete rebuild.
Bathrooms are another good candidate for refurbishment. Buyers are fussy about cleanliness, and a sparkling clean, looking-like-new bathroom is an excellent sale feature. And bathroom renovations are not as expensive as you might think, even for a complete remodeling.
Many of the refurbishments can be done in a weekend without hiring a contractor. But, if you do need the services of a contractor, ask friends or your local Elkhart County Expert, Evelyn Johnston, REALTOR with Prudential One Realty at 574-304-7148 for referrals of companies that provide quality service.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Elkhart County, Indiana, Increase Your Homes Value Before Selling
Elkhart County,
Evelyn Johnston,
Home Sellers,
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Elkhart County Public School Systems, By Townships
Elkhart County's Public School Systems educate students from within the boundaries identified by the tax parcel identification number. The system receiving property taxes is responsible for education services.
Baugo Community Schools educate Baugo Township
29125 CR 22 W
Elkhart In 46517
Jimtown North Elementary 30046 CR 16 W 574-293-3507
Jimtown South Elementary 58901 CR 3 S 574-522-0379
Jimtown Intermediate School 58703 CR 3 S 574-294-2158
Jimtown Junior High School 58903 CR 3 S 574-294-6586
Jimtown High School 59021 CR 3 S 574-295-2343
Concord Community Schools educate Concord Township
Concord Community Schools
59040 Minuteman Way
Elkhart In 46517
Concord Community High School 59117 Minuteman Way 574-875-6524
Concord Junior High School 24050 CR 20 574-875-5112
East Side Elementary 57156 CR 13 S 574-875-8517
Ox Bow Elementary 23525 CR 45 574-875-8538
South Side Elementary 23525 CR 45 574-875-6565
West Side Elementary 230 W Mishawaka Road 574-293-2531
Elkhart Community Schools educates Cleveland, Osolo and Washington Townships
Fairfield Schools educate Clinton, Benton and Jackson Townships
Goshen Community Schools educates Elkhart Township
Middlebury Community Schools educates Jefferson, Middlebury and York Townships
Wa-Ne Community Schools educates Union, Locke, Olive and Harrison Townships.
Baugo Community Schools educate Baugo Township
29125 CR 22 W
Elkhart In 46517
Jimtown North Elementary 30046 CR 16 W 574-293-3507
Jimtown South Elementary 58901 CR 3 S 574-522-0379
Jimtown Intermediate School 58703 CR 3 S 574-294-2158
Jimtown Junior High School 58903 CR 3 S 574-294-6586
Jimtown High School 59021 CR 3 S 574-295-2343
Concord Community Schools educate Concord Township
Concord Community Schools
59040 Minuteman Way
Elkhart In 46517
Concord Community High School 59117 Minuteman Way 574-875-6524
Concord Junior High School 24050 CR 20 574-875-5112
East Side Elementary 57156 CR 13 S 574-875-8517
Ox Bow Elementary 23525 CR 45 574-875-8538
South Side Elementary 23525 CR 45 574-875-6565
West Side Elementary 230 W Mishawaka Road 574-293-2531
Elkhart Community Schools educates Cleveland, Osolo and Washington Townships
Fairfield Schools educate Clinton, Benton and Jackson Townships
Goshen Community Schools educates Elkhart Township
Middlebury Community Schools educates Jefferson, Middlebury and York Townships
Wa-Ne Community Schools educates Union, Locke, Olive and Harrison Townships.
Elkhart County Noon Kiwanis Club Meetings
Matterhorn Banquet and Conference Center located at 2041 Cassopolis Street in Elkhart, Indiana is the location of the Noon Kiwanis Club. Please call Cheryl Farmer at 574-206-8844 for more information 8 am to 5 pm.
This information provided by you local Real Estate Agent and Elkhart County Expert, Evelyn Johnston of Prudential One Realty. Evelyn's nickname is Elkhart-Evelyn!
This information provided by you local Real Estate Agent and Elkhart County Expert, Evelyn Johnston of Prudential One Realty. Evelyn's nickname is Elkhart-Evelyn!
¿Cómo es su Elkhart condado, resbalón "rosado" casero de Indiana?
Cuando los consumidores compran los automóviles y les pagan en "resbalones rosados" para indicarlos poseen los vehículos. Y cuando los compradores caseros compran las propiedades inmobiliarias (o la característica verdadera) se transfieren los "títulos". ¿Pero qué sucede si el vendedor no tiene un "título claro" a transportar? Quizás había una irregularidad en una de las últimas transacciones que implicaban la característica. Repentinamente, el comprador casero puede encontrarse o ella misma fuera de millares de dólares 0 y no poseer cualquier característica. Hoy, eso no sucede - si una compañía de título está implicada. Pues el trabajo de la compañía de título es buscar hacia fuera cada última transacción que implica la característica para asegurarse de que el título claro pasó de dueño al dueño, y de que el vendedor actual lleva a cabo título claro a la característica. Los examinadores de la compañía de título remontan la propiedad de la característica con su historia entera. Se cercioran de que el título esté claro. En el pasado, esto fue hecha manualmente, sin embargo, automatizó hoy expedientes hacen la tarea más fácil... y más confiable. Además de la destapadura el título deserta (llamado las "nubes") referente a la propiedad de una característica, las búsquedas de título también detectó embargos preventivos. Por ejemplo, suponga que un contratista construyó una adición del sitio a un hogar y que no era completamente pagado para su trabajo. Si él archivara un embargo preventivo contra la característica, estaría en expediente con el registrador del condado - y debe ser descubierta por el examinador del título durante la búsqueda. La compañía de título entonces notificaría la compañía del fideicomiso del problema, y el vendedor resolvería el embargo preventivo o lo arriesgaría el perder del comprador. El seguro de título es la mejor manera de proteger completamente contra defectos posibles del título. Lenders que proporciona el financiamiento requiere que los compradores compren seguro de título. Esto protege completamente a prestamistas hasta la cantidad del equilibrio del préstamo en los problemas del título del acontecimiento emerge en el futuro. ¡Algunos compradores asumen que esta política los protege también - solamente éste no es el caso! Los compradores deben también comprar a dueños de una casa póliza de seguro de título, y los compradores elegantes harán así pues, proteger su propia inversión en la característica. Si un problema con título se descubre en un día más último, se convierte en el problema del asegurador, no el comprador. El seguro de título es un costo de una sola vez, barato que proporciona la protección completa para el comprador contra el título futuro demanda para mientras él o ella posee la característica. Aquí en el condado de Elkhart, Indiana tenemos varias compañías de título a elegir de, y es tradicionalmente la opción del vendedor casero en cuanto a quien eligen uno. El condado de Elkhart, Indiana, agente de propiedades inmobiliarias Evelyn Johnston deja a sus vendedores caseros saber los locales disponibles para elegir de. Para más información sobre el proceso de comprar o de vender su hogar, Evelyn se puede alcanzar en los un bienes raices prudenciales o 574-304-7148.
How is Your Elkhart Indiana Home's "Pink Slip"?
When consumers purchase automobiles and they are paid in "pink slips" to indicate they own the vehicles. And when Home Buyers purchase real estate (or real property) "titles" are transferred.
But what happens if the Seller does not have a "clear title" to convey? Perhaps there was an irregularity in one of the past transactions involving the property. Suddenly, the home buyer may find himself or herself out thousands of dollars 0 and not owning any property.
Today, that does not happen - if a title company is involved. As title company's job is to search out every past transaction involving the property to ensure that clear title passed from owner to owner, and that the current seller does hold clear title to the property. Title company examiners trace the ownership of the property through its entire history. They make sure the title is clear. In the past, this was done manually, however, today computerized records make the task easier...and more reliable.
Besides uncovering title defects (called "clouds") relating to a property's ownership, the title searches also detect liens. For instance, suppose a contractor built a room addition to a home and was not fully paid for his work. If he filed a lien against the property, it would be on record with the county recorder - and should be discovered by the title examiner during the search. The title company would then notify the escrow company of the problem, and the seller would resolve the lien or risk losing the buyer.
Title insurance is the best way to fully protect against possible title defects. Lenders who provide financing require that buyers buy title insurance. This fully protects lenders up to the amount of the loan balance in the event title problems surface in the future. Some buyers assume that this policy protects them too - but this is not the case! Buyers must also buy a homeowners title insurance policy, and smart buyers will do so, to protect their own investment in the property. If a problem with title is discovered at a later day, it becomes the problem of the insurer, not the buyer. Title insurance is a one-time, low-cost expense that provides full protection for the buyer against future title claims for as long as he or she owns the property.
Here in Elkhart County, Indiana we have several Title Companies to choose from, and it is traditionally the choice of the Home Seller as to which one is chosen. Elkhart County, Indiana, Real Estate Agent Evelyn Johnston lets her Home Sellers know the local ones available to choose from. For more information about the process of buying or selling your home, Evelyn can be reached at Prudential One Realty or 574-304-7148.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
¿Calificando Para Un Préstamo En El Condado De Elkhart, Indiana, Usted Medida Subirá?
Usted es listo hacer un dueño de una casa en el condado de Elkhart, Indiana. ¿Tan cómo usted le conoce medirá para arriba? Para contestar a la pregunta, tome un gravamen fiscal personal. Una mirada sólida en sus finanzas, cuánto usted debe actualmente, cuánto usted tiene disponible para una señal, y la cantidad aproximada de sus pagos de hipoteca mensuales estimados, le ayudará específicamente a determinar la clase de préstamo que usted podrá procurar. Un gravamen up-front le dará una oportunidad de eliminar los snap\gs potenciales que pudieron ocurrir en el proceso que pedía prestado. El mejor paso a sería comprador casero puede tomar antes de comenzar el proceso de uso de préstamo es conseguir finanzas en orden de la enviar-forma. Usted puede cerciorarse de que su situación de crédito actual sea buena repasando un informe de crédito personal de una oficina de crédito. Examínela cuidadosamente. Si hay algunos errores en todos, téngalos corregida. Lenders buscará pagos tardíos, bancarrotas y colecciones sin pagar. Después, heche una ojeada su carga de deuda actual. Lenders tomará en la consideración cuánto deuda usted ya tiene que determinarse cuánto prestarán. Generalmente, los préstamos se basan en el cociente de la deuda-a-renta del prestatario. Esto se extiende típicamente a partir del 27 hasta el 29% de renta mensual gruesa comparada a una paga mensual el 36% gruesa de la renta hacia fuera para todas las deudas. Si usted está pagando actualmente de deudas considerables tales como balances de la tarjeta de crédito, coches, préstamos de la universidad, etc., éste puede bajar la cantidad de préstamo para la cual usted calificará. Intente pagar apagado tantos préstamos delante del tiempo como sea posible aumentar su energía del préstamo de hipoteca. Los compradores caseros anticipados que desean ayuda exterior en la determinación de su estado que pide prestado pueden entrar en contacto con a un prestamista financiero del consejero o de hipoteca. Si usted quisiera una sugerencia para un prestamista, su profesional de las propiedades inmobiliarias puede ponerle en contacto con uno. Estos expertos le ayudarán a determinar la cantidad de préstamo de hipoteca que usted puede calificar para y qué gama de precio casero usted puede permitirse. Una vez que se establezca la cantidad, usted deseará mirar los cuatro tipos básicos de opciones de la hipoteca. Éstos incluyen: las hipotecas de tarifa fija 30-year, 15-year fijaron tarifa, las hipotecas de la ajustable-tarifa (brazos), y los préstamos híbridos, que son una combinación de fijo y de ajustable. Para descubrir sobre estas varias opciones del préstamo casero detalladamente, usted puede hablar con sus propiedades inmobiliarias Evelyn profesional Johnston de un bienes raices prudenciales, o el profesional del corredor o del préstamos, lee los libros de las propiedades inmobiliarias, atiende a hogar-comprar y a seminarios de la hipoteca o aún practica surf el Internet. Usted puede también desear pre-calificar para un préstamo. la Pre-aprobacio'n toma la incertidumbre de casa-comprar. Con este proceso, la institución de préstamos establece exactamente cuánto usted puede pedir prestado. El papeleo para el préstamo es sometido, seguido por un cheque, una evaluación y una verificación del crédito de su capacidad acreedora, y finalmente, un acuerdo de préstamo. Como comprador casero, usted no será confiado a hacer la compra casera para la cual usted pre-ha calificado, pero usted habrá establecido su capacidad acreedora. Los vendedores son más probables mirar favorable en un comprador potencial que tenga pre-aprobacio'n. Y puede significar una ventaja en conseguir la casa que usted desea sobre algún otro, que da lugar a una transacción más rápida y que puede significar posiblemente el dinero del ahorro en el precio del hogar.
Ready To Become A Home Owner In Elkhart County, Indiana?
You're ready to become a homeowner in Elkhart County, Indiana. So how do you know you'll measure up?
To answer the question, take a personal fiscal assessment. A solid look at your finances, specifically how much you currently owe, how much you have available for a down payment, and the approximate amount of your estimated monthly mortgage payments, will help you determine the kind of loan you'll be able to procure.
An up-front assessment will give you an opportunity to eliminate potential snap\gs that might occur in the borrowing process.
The best step a would be Home Buyer can take before beginning the loan application process is to get finances in ship-shape order. You can make sure your current credit standing is good by reviewing a personal credit report from a credit bureau. Inspect it carefully. If there are any errors at all, have them corrected. Lenders will be looking for late payments, bankruptcies and unpaid collections.
Next, take a look at your current debt load. Lenders will take into consideration how much debt you already have to determine how much they'll loan. Generally, loans are based on the borrower's debt-to-income ratio. This typically ranges from 27 to 29% of gross monthly income compared to a 36% gross monthly income pay out for all debts.
If you currently are paying off considerable debts such as credit card balances, cars, college loans, etc., this may lower the amount of loan for which you'll qualify. Try to pay off as many loans ahead of time as possible to increase your mortgage borrowing power.
Prospective Home Buyers who want outside help in determining their borrowing status can contact a Financial Counselor or Mortgage Lender. If you would like a suggestion for a lender, your Real Estate Professional can put you in contact with one. These experts will help you determine the amount of Mortgage Loan you can qualify for and what home price range you can afford.
Once the amount is established, you'll want to look at the four basic types of Mortgage Options. These include: 30-year fixed rate mortgages, 15-year fixed rate, adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), and hybrid loans, which are a combination of fixed and adjustable.
To find out about these various home loan options in detail, you can talk with your Real Estate Professional Evelyn Johnston of Prudential One Realty, or broker or Lending Professional, read real estate books, attend home-buying and mortgage seminars or even surf the Internet.
You may also want to pre-qualify for a loan. Pre-approval takes the uncertainty out of house-buying. Through this process, the lending institution establishes exactly how much you can borrow. Paperwork for the loan is submitted, followed by a credit check, evaluation and verification of your creditworthiness, and finally, a loan agreement. As a Home Buyer, you will not be committed to making the home purchase for which you have pre-qualified, but you will have established your creditworthiness.
Sellers are more likely to look favorably on a potential Buyer who has pre-approval. And it can mean an advantage in getting the house you want over someone else, result in a quicker transaction and can possibly mean saving money on the price of the home.
To answer the question, take a personal fiscal assessment. A solid look at your finances, specifically how much you currently owe, how much you have available for a down payment, and the approximate amount of your estimated monthly mortgage payments, will help you determine the kind of loan you'll be able to procure.
An up-front assessment will give you an opportunity to eliminate potential snap\gs that might occur in the borrowing process.
The best step a would be Home Buyer can take before beginning the loan application process is to get finances in ship-shape order. You can make sure your current credit standing is good by reviewing a personal credit report from a credit bureau. Inspect it carefully. If there are any errors at all, have them corrected. Lenders will be looking for late payments, bankruptcies and unpaid collections.
Next, take a look at your current debt load. Lenders will take into consideration how much debt you already have to determine how much they'll loan. Generally, loans are based on the borrower's debt-to-income ratio. This typically ranges from 27 to 29% of gross monthly income compared to a 36% gross monthly income pay out for all debts.
If you currently are paying off considerable debts such as credit card balances, cars, college loans, etc., this may lower the amount of loan for which you'll qualify. Try to pay off as many loans ahead of time as possible to increase your mortgage borrowing power.
Prospective Home Buyers who want outside help in determining their borrowing status can contact a Financial Counselor or Mortgage Lender. If you would like a suggestion for a lender, your Real Estate Professional can put you in contact with one. These experts will help you determine the amount of Mortgage Loan you can qualify for and what home price range you can afford.
Once the amount is established, you'll want to look at the four basic types of Mortgage Options. These include: 30-year fixed rate mortgages, 15-year fixed rate, adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), and hybrid loans, which are a combination of fixed and adjustable.
To find out about these various home loan options in detail, you can talk with your Real Estate Professional Evelyn Johnston of Prudential One Realty, or broker or Lending Professional, read real estate books, attend home-buying and mortgage seminars or even surf the Internet.
You may also want to pre-qualify for a loan. Pre-approval takes the uncertainty out of house-buying. Through this process, the lending institution establishes exactly how much you can borrow. Paperwork for the loan is submitted, followed by a credit check, evaluation and verification of your creditworthiness, and finally, a loan agreement. As a Home Buyer, you will not be committed to making the home purchase for which you have pre-qualified, but you will have established your creditworthiness.
Sellers are more likely to look favorably on a potential Buyer who has pre-approval. And it can mean an advantage in getting the house you want over someone else, result in a quicker transaction and can possibly mean saving money on the price of the home.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
In Elkhart County Indiana, Which Is Better For You, A Mortgage Banker or a Mortgage Broker?
In the "old" days-that is, before "creative financing"-home buyers in Elkhart County, Indiana had few financing options when it came to purchasing a property. However, in today's environment, a buyer has the choice of everything from a fixed, 15 or 30 year mortgage and an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) to an amortized 30 year mortgage with a balloon payment at the end of seven years.
Sound confusing? It can be, buy fortunately, there are numerous helping hands not only in Elkhart County, Indiana but other communities as well, for the perplexed home buyer. For instance, your local real estate professional Evelyn Johnston with Prudential One Realty can provide assistance. And so can a "mortgage banker" and/or "mortgage broker.
What is a mortgage banker and/or a mortgage broker? And how do they impact you when you purchase a home?
First, the mortgage banker is a lender. Mortgage bankers may consist of banks, insurance companies and large mortgage lenders. Going direct to one of these institutions can save time as well as money.
On the other hand, a mortgage broker is an intermediary whose role is to bring the lender - that is, the mortgage banker - and home buyer together. The mortgage broker may deal with one or many lenders and he or she acts as a facilitator. A competent mortgage broker can save a buyer time in finding a lender who will finance a purchase with attractive, highly competitive terms. Many mortgage brokers also provide advice and support to your local real estate professional.
Whether a buyer works with a mortgage banker or mortgage brokerthere there is one thing the home buyer should keep in mind. That is, the ultimate goal is to secure the "best" loan possible.
But what does "best" mean? For most buyers "best" can be classified into four areas:
(1) Service. Are the lenders noted for their service? What experiences have other buyers had with them? What are they going to do for you to make this process as rapid, smooth and "painless" as possible? Do they have special programs (like pre-approval or low documentation loans) that take the hassle out of the loan?
(2)Reliability. Do they keep their word? Do they deliver when they say they will? Previous clients--what do they think?
(3) Speed. Is loan approval done quickly and efficiently?
(4) Cost of the loan. Is it competitive? What is the interest rate? What is the cost of all the fees? (Be wary of "junk" fees, which your local real estate professional can help you spot). Be sure to compare the loan's Annual Percentage Rate (APR) , which considers the total interest rate and fees for a loan and lets you make a better comparison.
Still, even with these guidelines, selecting the right mortgage banker - mortgage broker can be confusing. However, there is an answer - talk to your local real estate professional. An experienced professional has dealt with many bankers and brokers. He or she knows who can offer you - the buyer - the best combination of service, reliability, speed and cost. And that's what financing a home is all about! Real Estate Agent Evelyn Johnston can help you if you are looking for a home in the Elkhart County Real Estate Market. Call 574-304-7148.
Sound confusing? It can be, buy fortunately, there are numerous helping hands not only in Elkhart County, Indiana but other communities as well, for the perplexed home buyer. For instance, your local real estate professional Evelyn Johnston with Prudential One Realty can provide assistance. And so can a "mortgage banker" and/or "mortgage broker.
What is a mortgage banker and/or a mortgage broker? And how do they impact you when you purchase a home?
First, the mortgage banker is a lender. Mortgage bankers may consist of banks, insurance companies and large mortgage lenders. Going direct to one of these institutions can save time as well as money.
On the other hand, a mortgage broker is an intermediary whose role is to bring the lender - that is, the mortgage banker - and home buyer together. The mortgage broker may deal with one or many lenders and he or she acts as a facilitator. A competent mortgage broker can save a buyer time in finding a lender who will finance a purchase with attractive, highly competitive terms. Many mortgage brokers also provide advice and support to your local real estate professional.
Whether a buyer works with a mortgage banker or mortgage brokerthere there is one thing the home buyer should keep in mind. That is, the ultimate goal is to secure the "best" loan possible.
But what does "best" mean? For most buyers "best" can be classified into four areas:
(1) Service. Are the lenders noted for their service? What experiences have other buyers had with them? What are they going to do for you to make this process as rapid, smooth and "painless" as possible? Do they have special programs (like pre-approval or low documentation loans) that take the hassle out of the loan?
(2)Reliability. Do they keep their word? Do they deliver when they say they will? Previous clients--what do they think?
(3) Speed. Is loan approval done quickly and efficiently?
(4) Cost of the loan. Is it competitive? What is the interest rate? What is the cost of all the fees? (Be wary of "junk" fees, which your local real estate professional can help you spot). Be sure to compare the loan's Annual Percentage Rate (APR) , which considers the total interest rate and fees for a loan and lets you make a better comparison.
Still, even with these guidelines, selecting the right mortgage banker - mortgage broker can be confusing. However, there is an answer - talk to your local real estate professional. An experienced professional has dealt with many bankers and brokers. He or she knows who can offer you - the buyer - the best combination of service, reliability, speed and cost. And that's what financing a home is all about! Real Estate Agent Evelyn Johnston can help you if you are looking for a home in the Elkhart County Real Estate Market. Call 574-304-7148.
You Found Just The Right Home Here In Elkhart County, Indiana, Now What?
The commotion of house hunting is finally over. You found just the right house here in Elkhart County, Indiana and your offer has been accepted. It was a great buy. Now, just one more hurdle --getting a loan--and you're home free.
Often buyers are so eager to get this "final detail" behind them, they rush through this portion of the transaction and end up with less-than-ideal terms. Borrowers, however, have something lenders want--their business. This positions them to negotiate the best possible price (cost of loan), terms and service.
Let's look at price, or the cost of the loan. The first thing to do is find out what the current rates are-information readily available in your newspaper or from your sales professional. When comparing rates, figure the annual percentage rate (APR), which includes interest, extra fees and costs amortized over the life of the loan. Also determine the number of points, if any, tha the lender will charge to make the loan. (A point is equal to 1 percent of the loan amount). I have two very good lenders, but of course, you are free to use whomever you choose. Rick White of Synergy Mortgage or Shayne Sherman of Indigo Financial Group.
Next, consider what loan options the lender offers. There are six or seven basic types of loans, which vary in their duration. Check how rates are calculated (fixed versus variable) and whether charges are fully amortized over the life of the loan or whether you'll have to pay points up front and/or balloon payments at the end.
Is there a prepayment penalty clause? Which terms are best for you depends on such factors as what changes you expect in your income, how long you plan to own the home, and what you predict will happen in loan rates in the years ahead. For example, if you only plan to reside in the home for a year or two, starting with a lower Adjusted Rate Mortgage (ARM) might be the best choice. If you have no plans to move and feel that inflation will rise rapidly, a fixed rate would obviously be better.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, consider speed and service. Buyers shouldn't have to wait days for approval and weeks for closing just because the lender is slow. Your sales professional should be able to recommend several lenders with whom he or she has had positive dealings. And don't forget family and friends-they can be a great source of recommendations (as well as horror stories?).
Remember, qualified buyers are great prospects for lenders-sogive your business to the lender who demonstrates he not only wants it, he deserves it.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Elkhart County Real Estate Agent Evelyn Johnston Advises...
Every prospective homeowner would like to buy the best property in Elkhart County and their favorite neighborhood at the lowest price. That's the ideal situation, but in most cases, it's not easy to do. Usually, buyers have three property choices in an area --the sharpest, a mid-range or the "bottom of the line." So which one would you buy and why?
Obviously, the sharpest property usually carries the highest price tag. But buyers don't have to purchase the best-looking property in Elkhart County in order to generate maximum appreciation. In fact, many times the best approach is to stay away from the sharpest properties. Although these homes have an excellent appearance, percentage-wise they may not appreciate as much as a mid- or lower- priced home.
At the same time, stay away from the rock-bottom priced properties. These homes are usually priced lower for a reason, and the cause for the low price may not be readily remedied. For example, a corner property, one on a busy street or a property with a shorter driveway are worth less because of the inconvenience. Buying one of these properties takes less money, but it appreciates less. In the long run, it will not be as strong an investment as a home that does not have these drawbacks.
Instead, look for a property in the mid-range. Pick a home in Elkhart County that is between the top and bottom of the line. A buyer who stays in the mid-range will find that the property will appreciate, from a percentage standpoint, just as much --if not more-- than the higher priced homes.
Whether you prefer the top, middle or bottom of the line, the key is to carefully investigate an area, tract, or development before you buy. Travel down the streets; measure the traffic, examine the property, scrutinize nearby homes, calculate maintenance; talk to the neighbors, ask questions of your local Real Estate Agent,Evelyn Johnston of Prudential One Realty. Oftentimes I can provide you with valuable insight. Look at the surrounding communities. How do they appear? Communities that are adjacent to one another will impact each-other.
Certainly it takes time, but remember, your home is going to be the single largest financial investment you will ever make--and you want that investment to be a wise one!
For more information about the the Elkhart County Subdivisions, call Real Estate Agent Evelyn Johnston at 574-304-7148.
Obviously, the sharpest property usually carries the highest price tag. But buyers don't have to purchase the best-looking property in Elkhart County in order to generate maximum appreciation. In fact, many times the best approach is to stay away from the sharpest properties. Although these homes have an excellent appearance, percentage-wise they may not appreciate as much as a mid- or lower- priced home.
At the same time, stay away from the rock-bottom priced properties. These homes are usually priced lower for a reason, and the cause for the low price may not be readily remedied. For example, a corner property, one on a busy street or a property with a shorter driveway are worth less because of the inconvenience. Buying one of these properties takes less money, but it appreciates less. In the long run, it will not be as strong an investment as a home that does not have these drawbacks.
Instead, look for a property in the mid-range. Pick a home in Elkhart County that is between the top and bottom of the line. A buyer who stays in the mid-range will find that the property will appreciate, from a percentage standpoint, just as much --if not more-- than the higher priced homes.
Whether you prefer the top, middle or bottom of the line, the key is to carefully investigate an area, tract, or development before you buy. Travel down the streets; measure the traffic, examine the property, scrutinize nearby homes, calculate maintenance; talk to the neighbors, ask questions of your local Real Estate Agent,Evelyn Johnston of Prudential One Realty. Oftentimes I can provide you with valuable insight. Look at the surrounding communities. How do they appear? Communities that are adjacent to one another will impact each-other.
Certainly it takes time, but remember, your home is going to be the single largest financial investment you will ever make--and you want that investment to be a wise one!
For more information about the the Elkhart County Subdivisions, call Real Estate Agent Evelyn Johnston at 574-304-7148.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Can You Donate To Sunshine Kids-Fundraiser For Kids With Cancer?
I should have already posted this, so I apologize for the lateness of it.
Unfortunately, it seems that we all know someone whose life has been impacted by cancer. It often feels that when we are faced with something like cancer, we don't know how to respond or what we can do to help. Prudential One Realty is excited to host our second annual fund-raising event for The Sunshine Kids Foundation. The Rays of Hope Gala, dinner Dance and Silent Auction gives you a chance to be pro-active in helping kids with Cancer find ways to live normal lives and have some fun!
The Rays of Hope Gala is a silent auction as well as formal dinner. You can help by one of two ways, or possible both! We are in need of auction items. Anything you'd like to contribute would be welcomed! As a contributor to the auction, you will receive recognition on our web-page as well as in a presentation at the Gala and also in the Gala program.
The second way you can help is to purchase a corporate table. The price is $700 (regular ticket price is $75.00/per person) and that price gets you 9 tickets (1 full table), your company/organization name monogrammed on the table and recognition on our web-page as well as in the presentation at the Gala and also in the Gala program. This is a great way to help a worthy cause and also get your company name out there!
Prudential One Realty, Real Estate Agents and The Sunshine Kids Foundation thank you for your time and contribution!
Unfortunately, it seems that we all know someone whose life has been impacted by cancer. It often feels that when we are faced with something like cancer, we don't know how to respond or what we can do to help. Prudential One Realty is excited to host our second annual fund-raising event for The Sunshine Kids Foundation. The Rays of Hope Gala, dinner Dance and Silent Auction gives you a chance to be pro-active in helping kids with Cancer find ways to live normal lives and have some fun!
The Rays of Hope Gala is a silent auction as well as formal dinner. You can help by one of two ways, or possible both! We are in need of auction items. Anything you'd like to contribute would be welcomed! As a contributor to the auction, you will receive recognition on our web-page as well as in a presentation at the Gala and also in the Gala program.
The second way you can help is to purchase a corporate table. The price is $700 (regular ticket price is $75.00/per person) and that price gets you 9 tickets (1 full table), your company/organization name monogrammed on the table and recognition on our web-page as well as in the presentation at the Gala and also in the Gala program. This is a great way to help a worthy cause and also get your company name out there!
Prudential One Realty, Real Estate Agents and The Sunshine Kids Foundation thank you for your time and contribution!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Have you Tested Your Home In Elkhart County Indiana For Radon?
Radon is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas. You can't see radon. And you can't smell it or taste it. But it may be a problem in your home.
Radon is estimated to cause many thousands of deaths each year. That's because when you breathe air containing radon, you can get lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the united States today. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high.
Radon can be found all over the United States. Radon comes from the natural (radioactive) breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water and gets into the air you breathe. Radon can be found all over the U.S. It can get into any type of building-homes, offices and schools-and result in a high indoor radon level. But you and your family are most likely to get your greatest exposure at home, where you spend most of your time.
Testing is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk from radon. EPA and the Surgeon General recommend testing all homes below the third floor for radon. EPA also recommends testing in schools. Testing is inexpensive and easy--it should only take a few minutes of your time. Millions of Americans have already tested their homes.
Radon reduction systems work and they are not too costly. Some radon reduction systems can reduce radon levels in your home by up to 99%. Even very high levels can be reduced to acceptable levels.
Radon-resistant construction techniques can be effective in preventing radon entry. When installed properly and completely, these simple and inexpensive techniques can help reduce indoor radon levels in homes. In addition, installing them at the time of construction makes it easier and less expensive to reduce radon levels further if these passive techniques don't reduce radon levels to below 4;Ci/L. Every new home should be tested after occupancy, even if it was built radon resistant. If radon levels are still in excess of 4 pCi/L, the passive system should be activated by having a qualified mitigator install a vent fan.
Radon is estimated to cause many thousands of deaths each year. That's because when you breathe air containing radon, you can get lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the united States today. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high.
Radon can be found all over the United States. Radon comes from the natural (radioactive) breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water and gets into the air you breathe. Radon can be found all over the U.S. It can get into any type of building-homes, offices and schools-and result in a high indoor radon level. But you and your family are most likely to get your greatest exposure at home, where you spend most of your time.
Testing is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk from radon. EPA and the Surgeon General recommend testing all homes below the third floor for radon. EPA also recommends testing in schools. Testing is inexpensive and easy--it should only take a few minutes of your time. Millions of Americans have already tested their homes.
Radon reduction systems work and they are not too costly. Some radon reduction systems can reduce radon levels in your home by up to 99%. Even very high levels can be reduced to acceptable levels.
Radon-resistant construction techniques can be effective in preventing radon entry. When installed properly and completely, these simple and inexpensive techniques can help reduce indoor radon levels in homes. In addition, installing them at the time of construction makes it easier and less expensive to reduce radon levels further if these passive techniques don't reduce radon levels to below 4;Ci/L. Every new home should be tested after occupancy, even if it was built radon resistant. If radon levels are still in excess of 4 pCi/L, the passive system should be activated by having a qualified mitigator install a vent fan.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Are You New to Elkhart County Indiana?
Elkhart County Chamber of Commerce has lots of information to help you relocate here to one of our many communities. They are located at 418 S. Main Street downtown Elkhart. If you prefer you can call them at 574-293-1531.
Hunting for a home? I am a Real Estate Agent with Prudential One Realty and am familiar with all areas of Elkhart County, from Bristol to Goshen and Granger to Osceola. Call me with all your Real Estate concerns, 574-304-7148.
Hunting for a home? I am a Real Estate Agent with Prudential One Realty and am familiar with all areas of Elkhart County, from Bristol to Goshen and Granger to Osceola. Call me with all your Real Estate concerns, 574-304-7148.
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